Drawing heavily from the philosophy and practice of Deep Listening and Zen Buddhism, these sonic immersion sessions are an invitation to an atypical experience from normal day to day life. Using only quartz crystal and bronze singing bowls, these acoustic realizations are entirely unique from one session to the next. These open sonic meditations rely on the experience of decades of experience in improvisation and the intuitive awareness of the sonic present. Unlike many other sound baths, these sessions do not predicate its function solely on the idea of 'healing', nor do they promise any particular result. Rather, they trust that by intentionally participating silently in a spirit of receptivity, participants may be afforded the opportunity to unravel or not unravel, realize or not realize, relax or not relax to the moment as it is. As a result, there is little guidance or explanations in these sessions. It is predicated on the belief that stillness and intentionality facilitate awareness, and thus whatever is necessary for 'healing'.
Additional components are available in the following formats.
Full Sensory Immersion
- Drink ceremony and ritual tasting
- Aromatic shower
- Color massage
Pre-session Yoga
Hatha/Kundalini, slow-flow style emphasizing mind/body connection
Post-session Tarot reading
Individual tarot readings for all who are interested in focused self-reflection.
Individual and group sessions are available at your location. Prices vary according to size and components requested. For more information and to book a session, visit the contact page.
Examples of previous soundbaths are available in videos.